How to Check Your MMJ Allotments Online

How to Check Your MMJ Allotments Online

Cannabis patients in Michigan and in several other states have legal access under a medical marijuana (MMJ) card, to use it for therapeutic reasons. But these patients are oftentimes allocated (or limited) specific allotments or amounts of cannabis they can purchase, possess, grow or use. It is important to keep track of these limits otherwise we don’t comply with state regulations and we don’t have any legal problems.

Checking your MMJ allotments online is one of the most convenient ways to do it. The steps below will help you check your MMJ allotments online, so you can know how much marijuana you’ve received, know whenever you’ve had more than you should, and help you be legally within the bounds of the cannabis law.

Why You Should be Checking Your MMJ Allotments

Medical marijuana allotments typically include:

  • How much cannabis can you have at one time?
  • How many plants are you allowed to grow yourself?
  • The number of Cannabis you can buy over a period of sometimes 30 days from licensed dispensaries or the ‘amount per transaction’.

However, being within those limits is critical, as exceeding your allotment can mean fines or having your MMJ card revoked. You should, therefore, check and monitor your allotments regularly.

The Best Way To Check Your MMJ Allotment Online

As for checking your MMJ allotments online, that’s easy. For instance, Michigan created an online presence where patients can log in and view their medical marijuana records — the amounts that patients can legally possess. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Go to the State Medical Marijuana Website.

You are able to view your Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) details via the Michigan MMMP website. The portal for other states will likely be a portal operated by the state’s health department or medical marijuana regulatory agency, and other states will have similar portals.

Step 2: Log Into Your Account

You will need to create an account or log in with one you already have to see your MMJ information. For authentication, you’ll need your patient ID number or MMJ card information.

Step 3: Find Your Allotment Information

Login to the website, and then go to the section where you will see your medical marijuana allotments. This section will display:

  • First, it is based on your current cannabis purchase limits
  • The amount of plants you can grow for personal use that you are legally allowed to.
  • The rest of the allotments or the usage for the month.

Step 4: Monitor Your Usage

Almost all online portals will let you track your real-time usage. If you’re near what your allotment limit is, then you should check often, especially before going to a dispensary.

Benefits of Checking Your MMJ Allotments Online

  • Convenience: Getting your online MMJ allotments checked is quick and easy, saving you time if you check instead of walking to a clinic or waiting for a physical copy.
  • Accuracy: Cannabis usage data is updated regularly on online portals, which you have at hand with the most up-to-date and accurate information.
  • Compliance: Keeping track of your limits not only makes sure you stay in compliance with state laws but also keeps you from legal issues and penalties.

Possible Action if Your Allotment is Exceeded

However, if you notice you’ve gone over your allowance or are close to spending it all, you’ll probably need to modify your consumption habits or even your growing plans. Sometimes depending on the state, you may also be able to change your allotment through the online portal or by contacting the relevant state department.

Manage Your Allotments

To learn more about how to manage your MMJ allotments, or if you have questions regarding your medical marijuana card, visit We’re a team of experts here to help you understand the world of medical cannabis.


When you can check your MMJ allotments online, it gives you greater control over your cannabis and keeps you compliant with state regulations. Regularly monitoring your limits helps to avoid going over your allowances and allows you to keep medical marijuana use legal and accountable.

CertaMD Editorial Team
CertaMD's Editorial Team consists of seasoned medical professionals and writers dedicated to delivering accurate, up-to-date health information, including insights on medical cannabis. With a commitment to excellence, they ensure content is both accessible and authoritative for healthcare consumers.

See how much you could save with a medical card

Note that this is an estimate of savings and does not constitute a guarantee. Additional taxes in your area or recent changes in local laws may affect these rates. Please verify current regulations in your state.

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